$109.99 PER MONTH
  • $0/mo
    • Outdated accounts
    • Inaccurate information
    • Wrong personal information
    • Review installment and revolving accounts that have high credit utilization
    • Have accounts updated/made current
    • Create a plan for correcting or removing inaccurate information
    • Create a plan for increasing the credit score based on the five elements of a good score
    • Create a plan for maintaining a good credit score
    • Account Updates, via Text, email and monthly One-on-One check ins.

  • $0/mo
    • Your client file will be analyzed and reviewed
    • Manual updates and reviews
    • Response to any correspondence via telephone
    • Response to correspondence via email
    • Response to correspondence via fax
    • Response to correspondence via USPS, UPS or FEDEX
    • Credit report reviews and updates to determine next course of action
    • Creation of dispute letters
    • Mailing of dispute letters
    • Offer assistance with budget questions, Offer assistance with credit